
evam eva

evam eva yamanashi


column|循環 vol.1

evam eva 2022年秋冬 のテーマは、循環。

ものや人との繋がり、そして時の流れが紡ぎ出す循環をテーマにしたこのコレクションでは、本来捨てるはずの端材やくずをアップサイクルした新たな素材や植物、果実などの天然染料から染めを施した洋服を提案します 。




自然溢れる山梨の地で、自然のもつ大きな循環の流れの中に身を置きながら、 私たちの日々の暮らし、そしてものづくりは環を成すように繋がっていきます。 素材の選定や仕立て、それらの細部へのこだわりは、つくり手として自分たちが良いと思うことの積み重ねから生まれています。そしてそれは、つくったものを永く着続けてもらえるようにすることだけでなく、ものをつくり過ぎないことや、材料を余さず使い切ること、といった意識にも繋がります。環境への配慮といった意識より前に、自ずと湧いてくる疑問に対し、自分たちで考えて工夫する。このつくり手としてのものづくりへの姿勢は、ブランドの立ち上げから今に至るまで続いています。

evam evaの商品には補修用の糸や生地、スペア釦をお付けしています。小さな綻びを繕いながら、何十年と着る人の暮らしに寄り添うものであれたら、という思いからこうした取り組みを続けています。お直しのご依頼の際、この糸を一緒に送ってくださる方もいらっしゃいます。





アップサイクルの新たな試みで生まれた、renew – wool と繭毛羽。
renew – wool は、毎シーズン展開しているプレスウール製品の生産過程で出る端材を一度反毛にかけ綿の状態に戻し、繊維長の異なるウールと混ぜ合わせて再度紡績し、糸に蘇らせます。ウール本来の風合いを損なわないよう甘く撚りあわせた糸は、ふっくらと手紡ぎのような豊かな表情が生まれます。古くから続く繊維業の町、大阪府泉大津の企業の方々にご協力いただきます。



次回は、renew – woolがどのようにして生まれたのかを今回ご協力いただく企業の方々のお話を交えてお届けします。

「 column|循環 vol.2 糸から生地、そして糸へ」 へ続く

column|link the loop

We are preparig for a new collection now for next winter.
The theme for evam eva autumn/winter 2022 collection is link the loop/circulation.

What do you feel and sense in the changing of the seasons while thinking of the work of artisans in the past.Each of the things we produce will weave the future.What appears to be a complex intertwining of things may in fact be the accumulation of simpler, day-to-day activities.The theme for this collection is connection between things and people and circulation spun by the flow of time. This collection presents clothing made from upcycled materials that shold have been discarded, as well as dyed clothes made from natural dyes from plants and fruits.

As an artisan

We have an attitude as an artisan at the root of it.Looking back on the manufacturing site worked by the previous generation, it was a lively place where artisans made things at a close distance.As time went by, such connections became indirect in the larger structure.As a result, we have been able to make things more efficiently, but on the other hand, I feel that there are certainly things that have been missing.In this age of separation, is it possible to create a greater flow of circulation by deepening the connections among artisans once again?Such an attempt begins with a rethinking of our own daily lives, our relationship with nature, and our attitude toward manufacturing.

In Yamanashi, a land of abundant nature, our daily life and manufacturing are connected to each other as if they form a circle, while placing ourselves in the flow of nature’s great cycle. The selection of materials, tailoring, and attention to detail are born from the accumulation of what we, as artisans, think is good.It leads to an awareness such as not only making sure that our clothes will be worn for a long time, but also not overmaking and using materials thoroughly.This is not only about making sure that people will continue to wear what we make for a long time, but also about not making too many things and using up all the materials we have.Before being conscious of environmental considerations, we think and devise their own answers to the questions that naturally arise.This attitude toward manufacturing as an artisan has continued from the launch of the brand to the present.

We provide repair threads, fabrics and spare buttons for evam eva clothes.We hope that our products will stay with the wearer’s life for decades, mending small tears at times.

Pouches and tissue cases created from leftover materials.Make the most of limited resources so as not to waste the materials that are left over from cutting.

circulation from connections.

This attempt is to collect end materials that would normally be discarded and upcycle them in a different form.Upcycling is an attempt to create new value by adding a touch of effort to items that would normally be discarded.We take advantage of the characteristics of the items to be upcycled to bring out their new attractiveness.

Born of a new attempt at upcycling, the renew-wool and floss silk.

Renew – wool is made by taking the end materials from the production process of pressed wool products, which are introduced every season, and turning them back into cotton, mixing them with wool of different fiber lengths, spinning them again, and reviving them into yarn.The yarns are twisted loosely so as not to spoil the original texture of wool, giving them a rich, fluffy, hand-spun look.

Floss silk is the cotton-like threads that cover the cocoon surroundings, which the silkworm first expels as a foothold for itself when making a cocoon. It is the part that is removed because it does not become raw silk and it is covered with silkworm droppings and mulberry leaves.The dung and mulberry leaves are carefully removed and returned to a form that can be used as raw materials.By combining the rough texture of cocoon fluff with soft wool and aligning the direction of the fibers, the fine texture of silk is revived, and an elegant yet somehow rustic gentleness dwells in the yarn.

These efforts took shape through the wisdom and ingenuity of the artisans.Each artisans thinks for himself and make up how it works through connections.Such small attempts will become a big link.

Based on these thoughts, we hope to deliver products that have been reborn with new aspect in a circultion created by the connection of a great many things and people.

© kondo knit co.,ltd.