
evam eva

evam eva yamanashi


column|庭 冬から春へ

四季折々の姿を見せる evam eva yamanashi 。春は青々と茂る樹々が清々しく、夏は茶房から臨む竹林が涼やかさをもたらし、秋は紅葉した葉が石畳を彩り、冬には澄んだ陽の光が景色を美しく照らします。それぞれの季節に咲く花や伸び広がる野草、枝葉を伸ばす樹々は、一見したところ自然そのままの姿のように見えますが、建築とランドスケープが融合するよう考えられ、手を入れながら育まれています。土地を共に開拓し、evam eva yamanashi のランドスケープを手掛けてくださっている彌永秀一さんにお話をうかがいながら、これまでの軌跡と evam eva yamanashi の四季を辿ります。






洋服をデザインする時にどういったプロセスを経てつくられていくのか。ジャンルは違えど、ものをつくるという点で必ず共通することがあると思います。着心地や素材の質感を確かめながら紡いでいく evam eva のものづくりの在り方により近づけられたらという想いがありました。季節ごとに移ろう植物の情報をきちんと伝えながら、門をくぐった先、お店までのアプローチ、窓から見える景色、その空間一つひとつを話し合いながら創り上げていきました」



開拓から現在に至るまで、evam eva yamanashi のランドスケープを担当してくださっている彌永さん。富士山の麓、鳴沢村を拠点に屋号「空庭」 からにわ で活動されています。






心地よさを生み出してくれる大きな樹木。最近の日本では、台風などの災害で倒れてしまうこともあるため敬遠されがちですが、かつて人と大きな樹々は今よりももっと身近な関係にありました。屋敷森や里山の森を維持しながらそれらの循環の中で共に生きてきました。雄大な樹々とともに穏やかな時間が流れる evam eva yamanashi の景色を維持するため、彌永さんはツリークライミングの技術を習得したり、樹木医の資格を取得し、植物たちが健やかな状態で芽吹き、咲き続けられるように、季節に合わせながらケアしてくださっています。




自然への尊崇の眼差しと謙虚な姿勢が清々しい彌永さん。植物に興味を持ち、学ぼうとし続ける探究心の深さがあるからこそ、evam eva yamanashi の植物たちがより自然に近い姿で在り続けられているのだと思います。



evam eva yamanashi は、6年目の春を迎えました。これまでもこれからも、草花、樹々、土地から与えられる自然の恵みに支えられながら、人と自然によって育まれる心地よいこの場所で、日々の生活を彩る「もの」「こと」そして “とき” をみなさまと分かち合いたいと思います。次回は夏から秋への移ろいと、道を照らす光のあり方についても触れてみたいと思います。

1978年広島県福山市生まれ。金沢美術工芸大学油画専攻卒業後、造園会社に就職し庭を学ぶ 。2009年に独立し、空庭を設立。庭の仕事を軸に、自然と人との関係を考える。




Eat and Marché

日時|11:00 – 17:00
会場|evam eva yamanashi

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ishihara nursery
やまゆり[eat]*13日のみ and more…


column|Garden from winter to spring

evam eva yamanashi is a place that changes with the seasons. At first glance, the flowers and trees that grow in each season appear to be in their natural state, but they have been carefully considered and nurtured so that the architecture and landscape blend with each other. We will trace the history of evam eva yamanashi and its four seasons by interviewing Mr. Shuichi Yanaga, who developed the land together and is in charge of evam eva yamanashi’s landscape.

Tracing memories of the land

We found this place by chance when we were looking for land to open a store in Yamanashi. We could feel the accumulation of the lives of the people who lived there, and for some reason, there was a sense of comfort. Mr. Yanaga came to mind as the person to whom we could trace the source of the comfort that resides there and entrust the connection to the future. We asked Mr. Yanaga about the process he went through in the 10 years since he first saw the site in 2013, cultivating the land, tracing the context of where things existed and why they took root here, and transforming the land he inherited into its current form.

“As I trimmed little by little, between the gate that opened to the south, the old well, the miso warehouse leading to the west gate, and the horse stalls, we found an japanese pagoda tree, a twisted plum tree among bamboo thickets, a 70-year-old ginkgo tree, a metasequoia tree and a three-leaf pine , which are rare in this area. I also found many stones produced in Yamanashi called Yamazaki stones. While talking to people in the neighborhood, I delved into the history of this place and the things that take root there.”

We started by preparing the landscape before the architecture. We repeatedly discussed how to position the three buildings – store “Iro”, restaurant “Aji”, and gallery “Katachi” – on the site without destroying the world of the trees growing there as much as possible.

“As construction progressed and the volume of buildings increased in relation to the site, I kept in mind the sense of comfort I felt when I first visited here. I made sure that the initial feeling of anticipation of what lay ahead with not being able to see ahead, and the feeling of openness when you pass through the bushes and open up, did not disappear. I planted trees to reduce the presence of the building and pruned the branches of each individual tree.

I wanted to bring it closer to the way evam eva creates its clothes, which involves checking the comfort of the clothes and the texture of the materials. We discussed and created each space, from the gate, to the approach to the store, to the view from the window, while making sure to communicate information about the plants that change with the seasons.”

Sharing the process and entrusting it to others to create together is difficult, but also interesting. Clothes, gardens, and architecture are all created by people, so it is very difficult to perceive the nuances. However, by discussing and integrating the perspectives of each person, I believe that people and people, people and nature, and nature and architecture can connect with each other with a comfortable sense of distance.

Connecting people to nature

Mr.Yanaga has been in charge of evam eva yamanashi’s landscape from the pioneering days until now. He is based in Narusawa Village at the foot of Mt.Fuji under the trade name “Karaniwa”.

“I went to an art college and when I was a student, I made vases by cutting up the ground, left the campus outside with layers of soil painted on it, and created works that were left to the weathering of nature. I was fascinated by the intervention of natural phenomena, such as the blurring and flowing of lines, and felt comfortable with the way the work changed over time, away from my hands. A short time after graduation, I found a job at a company dealing with architectural interiors. Later, I worked in a florist shop arranging flowers, and also worked on store displays. Around that time, I began to think that I wanted to learn more about gardens and plants, and at the age of 26 I entered the world of landscaping.”

After his marriage, he moved to his wife’s hometown in Yamanashi, settled near Lake Kawaguchi, and became independent at the age of 30. Currently, he is in charge of landscape design for several projects, including a seaside auberge in Noto, an old private house hotel in Okutama, and a new nursery school to be built in Nirasaki. We asked Mr. Yanaga what he considers important in creating a garden.

“I place importance on first understanding the natural context of the land, such as the condition of the soil and potential vegetation, as well as the historical context of the people who have lived on the land. I believe that with the addition of human intervention, nature can grow in a more peaceful and stable manner. At the same time, I try to preserve the connection with the workings of the forest so that the work is not completed only within the framework of human life. I would like to propose a place that maintains a good sense of distance while taking into account the local context and coming to terms with the relationship.”

Facing nature, he connects people with nature through small interactions. Sometimes it is planting a tree, and sometimes it is cutting it down. Sometimes it may be to share flowers with the neighbor.

Preparing the garden from winter to spring

Large trees create a sense of comfort. In Japan these days, trees tend to be shunned because they can fall down in typhoons and other disasters, but in the past, people and large trees had a closer relationship than they do today. They have lived together in those cycles, maintaining the forest planted around the house and woodland close to the villages. In order to maintain the peaceful landscape of evam eva yamanashi with its majestic trees, Mr.Yanaga has acquired tree climbing skills and certification as an arborist, and takes care of the plants in season so that they can sprout and bloom in good health.

“Pruning in areas where high clearance vehicles are not allowed requires climbing directly on the tree. Learning to tree climb allows me to safely prune properly to the tips of the branches and maintain a more natural branching form while reducing the effects of wind.
For deciduous trees, pruning in the spring or summer allows moisture to seep through the cut, causing fungus to grow in the moist cut and rot to set in. Large trees over 10 meters in height are pruned in the winter during the dormant season when there is less damage to the tree body.”

“When a large tree falls, the landscape changes drastically, so it is important to care for the tree while checking its health based on the knowledge of plant regimes and the vegetation in the natural environment. There is the idea that the trees themselves should be reduced in size, but at the core of my desire is that the trees that have been protected and nurtured up to this point continue to grow and develop in as natural a manner as possible.”

Mr.Yanaga’s reverence for nature and humble attitude are refreshing. I believe that it is because of his deep interest in plants and his continuous quest to learn more about them that the plants at evam eva yamanashi are able to remain as close to their natural state as possible.

On this day, we were planting garden trees that bloom from spring to summer. Whenever we asked for advice on a small matter, such as a flowering tree we saw in the mountains or a tree with branches and leaves that would be easy to use in a flower arrangement, he would carefully respond to each question.
Over the years since pioneering, seeds carried by wind and birds have sprouted, and plants that had been sleeping have awakened. By being close to nature, new insights are gained and the importance of coexisting with nature is felt.

evam eva yamanashi has entered its 6th year of spring. We have been and will continue to share with you the “things”, “matter”, and “times” that color our daily lives in this comfortable place nurtured by people and nature, supported by flowers, plants, trees, and the bounty of nature provided by the land.
In the next issue, we would like to discuss the transition from summer to autumn and the way light illuminates the path.

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